A few months back I got a call. It was Nancee Borgnine, she explained that she and her father, “the” Ernest Borgnine host celebrity gifting events prior to all the big awards, Emmy’s, Oscars, Golden Globes etc. She told me she found my Men’s Collection is LA magazine and she wanted us to come to her Emmy gifting event.
No. That was my first thought. All the reasons running through my head of why I should not do it. And without going into all the tedious details let’s just say…
1) my family – it was gonna be a minimum 4 day trip – Leaving hubby, 2 kids and 3 dogs that kind of count on me for a whole bunch of things. not gonna be easy.
2) The logistics of getting out there and bringing a person or two with me. I didn’t think I could pull it off alone. (boy was I right. the number of people that helped make this trip happen is pretty long – more on that in another post.)
3) Cha-ching! This was gonna cost me. You have to be prepared to gift a lot of people plus all the travel and display costs.
4) fear – not exactly sure of what but it was definitely fear.
I have to thank Nancee for convincing me otherwise. After I said a polite “it’s not for me” we got to talking further. I felt like I was talking to someone I’d known forever. She has a really fun way about her. We discussed my collection of pieces that raise funds for various causes. Each one has it’s own unique story and the collection developed naturally.
Here it is…
So, after a few calls back and forth, and lots of mulling it over on my part. I decided if nothing else it would be great or at least an interesting experience. You only live once, what the heck! I’m in:)